Olive Again Book Synopsis

She s as hard on herself as she is on others and she tries in her way to always become a better person.
Olive again book synopsis. Book summary winner of the 2019 bookbrowse fiction award prickly wry resistant to change yet ruthlessly honest and deeply empathetic olive kitteridge is a compelling life force san francisco chronicle. They don t make it to the hospital and instead olive has to deliver the baby in the back seat of her car. Olive is the tall awkward plain spoken woman a retired teacher now a widow miss strout s readers took to heart in her earlier novel olive kitteridge olive again is a lovely book. It is told in the third person but each chapter focuses on one character whose thoughts the narrator presents.
The new novel starts shortly after olive kitteridge ended when her ornery title character lonely after the death of her husband henry struck up an unlikely friendship with jack kennison a. Olive goes to a baby shower and ends up driving a heavily pregnant shower guest to the hospital when she begins to go into labor.